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Nitrofurantoin, Nitrofurantoin Macrocrystals, Nitrofurantoin Monohydrate, 1-Aminohydantoin Hydrochloride, Carprofen, Tolperisone Hydrochloride, Nitrofurazone, Haloperidol, Phenylbutazone, Berberine Tannate, Foscarnet Sodium, Carbamazepine, Bifendate, Dantrolene Sodium, Sotalol Hydrochloride, Feprazone, Cyclandelate, Dipyridamole, Allantoin, Furazolidone
The mission of JDPC is to "Make the best drugs, Benefit the people, Pleasure ourselves".
Our development orientation is to create the most standardized chemical pharmaceutical platform in China, to be a first class API supplier for generic drug manufacturers in Europe and USA, we have complete quality system, continuously promote the standard training, and we will uphold our belief to provide customers with higher quality products.
The product quality research goal is "the most clear, the most thorough, the most comprehensive, to achieve a relatively leading in the world".
1) Quality study, including impurity, particle size, polymorph;
2) Provide overseas registration service support for each product;
3) Provide the related reference substance of each product.

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